Land of Lorecraft

Mask of Wadet's Acolyte

Have you ever had a kleptomaniac in the party who takes grotesque trophies from their fallen enemies? I do, and when our table’s klepto removed the face from what he thought was a witch, I decided to put a twist to it. Our klepto went a step further by attempting to turn the mask into a deep sea breathing apparatus, attaching a hose to the mouth. It didn’t work, and the second time the player tried to use it (this time in battle), they were forced to make a saving throw, which they failed. Suddenly, they didn’t have control of their character and chaos broke loose as the party was forced to face threats from within their own ranks as well as without.

Below is the stat block I’ve created for the item:

Mask of Wadet’s Acolyte
Sentient Magic Item, Very Rare
Description: A mask created from a priest’s face who was a follower of Wadet. It holds latent magical powers and sentience of the priest to whom it once belonged. If the maske is placed on an unwilling, conscious target, they must succeed on a CHA Save of DC 15 or become possessed by the mask. If the target succeeds on the save, they can feel the other personality in their psyche and hear its thoughts. If they are willing to be possessed or unconscious, they do not need to make the saving throw.
INT 13 (+1)
WIS 16 (+3)
CHA 13 (+1)
Communication: Can only communicate when possessing other beings. See the rules above for how this works.
Senses: While possessing another being, can hear and see out to 30 ft.
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Characteristics: As time goes on the persona of the priest grows less and less reliable to the original owner. Their voice, bonds, ideals, and flaws change overtime as it tears down, rebuilds, and borrows from others after each use. Its purpose remains steadfast no matter what.
Purpose: Templar of Wadet’s followers

Sorovian Lore:
This Mask was originally discovered by Furloaf, who removed the face of Phil, an accused witch. In actuality, Phil was a follower of Wadet, doing his god’s bidding to sow chaos into the town of Ryga, Sorovia. Furloaf still keeps the Mask, which comes in handy during interrogations against petty nobles and weaker monsters or when he needs someone to side with him in an argument.